
The call for papers is hereby opened for the international predoctoral workshop of the Kant-Gesellschaft, that will be held from 8-10 November 2023 in the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences of the University of Valencia.

The conference brings together PhD students from all countries to present the preliminary results of their research and to exchange experiences. The contributions of the lecturers with doctorates are designed to give a qualitative impetus to the itinerary of the doctoral students.

Christoph Horn, Manuel Jiménez, Margit Ruffing and Rogelio Rovira will present as senior researchers. Karoline Reinhardt und Katharina Kraus will join as young scientists. A cultural program related to the topics of the colloquium will take place.

Predoctoral researchers should submit (A) title and abstract (100 words maximum), together with academic affiliation, before 12 February 2023 to the email address kv2023@uv.es. They are also asked (B) to share some important issues or problems encountered in their research for discussion at the meeting. In this phase, the documents can be redacted in German, English, Spanish, Valencian / Catalan, Italian, French, Dutch or Portuguese.

Notice of acceptance will be given on 22 April 2023. Until 5 September, the authors will submit the whole text of the paper, according to the guidelines of the Kant-Studien. For each paper there will be 20 minutes of exposition and 30 minutes of debate. The documents will be redacted in English or Spanish. On September 12, the contributions will be available in advance for participants to read and thus enrich the debate.

The accepted originals will be published in the series «Cartografías filosóficas» by the publishing house Tirant lo Blanch in print and at the same time as an e-book with an Open Access license, thus promoting international distribution.

Valencia 1 May 2022


© Research group “Kant-València”.
    Last update: 21.11.2022.